Artist Statement

My artwork is grounding to my soul. I am taken aback by the beauty and intangible qualities of natural flora: the various textures, the amazing flowers and fruits and foliage, and most of all, the spectacular rejuvenation after what appears to be a most definite death in the bleakness of a cold, dark winter. In our largely urban society, the ability to appreciate our natural surroundings has become dulled-the ability to see the wonder in a tree, the magic and the mystery in a flower, the indescribable peace and contentment that can fill one’s heart. I try to show this to the viewer as my work is a surreal reminder of the peaceful, centered energy of the miraculous, natural living world which surrounds us.
My collages are made from simple materials and features a pioneering collage application of acrylic paint,brown shopping bags and canvas. I began using this process in 1999 when my township implemented a mandatory recycling program. I thought that I would rather recycle the bags in my artwork rather than curb side. Originally my collages had the plain torn brown bags for their backgrounds, and only the subject matter was made from the painted bags. However, they have evolved to have their entire surface covered with the painted bag pieces.
I hope that the viewer thinks that they are looking at beautiful and serene paintings at first glance, then discover that they are viewing a collage that involved a painstaking genesis in the studio. Each is the product of many months or years of work. I paint the ordinary bags with color, tear them into myriad pieces, which I then hand apply with matte medium to realize my vision.
Inspired by nature's beauty, my interest in this medium relates to the cycle of life and nature. The bags start out as trees and then were made into paper bags which I up-cycle, paint, tear and collage into an image of the natural world, which in itself provided the required inspiration and energy. A quiet harmonic stillness is comprehended.
In addition, the pieces are often symbolically autobiographical, and I am both relieved and tormented at placing. my story in plain view.